Buy the World for your Pets.

Nexgard Spectra
六粒裝 五個體重可選擇
一個月服用一粒 味道像肉粒容易入口
Six-piece set with five weight options to choose from. Take one capsule per month, tastes like a meatball and is easy to swallow.
Nexgard Spectra
三合一配方 包含心絲蟲
Three-in-one formula including heartworm, fully protects pets’ health.
Nexgard Spectra
已經超過500盒訂單 回購程度98% 信心保證
Already exceeded 500 orders with a repurchase rate of 98%. We guarantee confidence in our product.
✨客人回購率 Customer Repurchase Rate✨
基本查詢問題, 可以在這裏解答你們
請問多少天才能收到貨品? How long will it take to get my orders?
我們一般會在即日或兩個工作天內處理現貨,一般客人會在訂單後兩至三個工作天收到貨品。 主要運送途徑是經由香港順豐公司, 如有惡劣天氣或公眾假期,有機會延遲送貨。
如貨品需要訂購, 一般會在7至21個工作天到達香港, 當貨品到達香港時, 同事會立即驗貨並安排寄出。
一般來說, 當貨品準備發貨時, 客人都會收到電郵通知。
It depends on the stock. Orders processed here will take 1-2 business days to arrive. Pre-order can take from 7-21 days. Delivery details will be provided in your confirmation email.
請問你們的商品來自什麼地方? Where are the products from?
本店大部份商品來自韓國/美國/ 澳洲, 並有少量自家設計玩具。 另外一部份產品是由本地其他寵物品牌合作寄賣的,所有貨品都是正版, 無需擔心產品質量。
如有產品出現問題,我們會事先與當地公司聯絡, 保障狗狗和主人權益。
Most of the products in our store come from Korea, the United States, and Australia, and there are a few self-designed toys. Another part of the products are consigned by local pet brands, and all products are genuine, so there is no need to worry about the quality of the products. If there are any problems with the products, we will contact the local companies in advance to ensure the rights and interests of the dogs and their owners.
請問如何可以聯絡有關商業合作? Any business cooperation?
請聯絡 或者WhatsApp Ben 68073403.
Please email or WhatsApp Ben 68073403.
We will reply ASAP.
本人對寵物派對房間有興趣, 請問如何進行預約? I’m interested in reserving a pet party room. How can I make a reservation?
請聯絡 WhatsApp Ben 68073403.
Please contact WhatsApp Ben at 68073403. We will reply as soon as possible and assist guests in reserving the venue.
請問訂單付款方式有什麼選擇?What payment options are available for orders?
我們接受使用信用卡, Payme, 支付寶, 轉數快, 八達通作為付款方式。
We accept credit cards, Payme, Alipay, FPS (Faster Payment System), and Octopus as payment methods.
請問商品有沒有現貨?Do you have the products in stock?
我們的商品大部份都有現貨, 但亦會視乎供應商提供貨源的穩定性, 部份貨品需要訂貨, 訂貨需時兩至三星期。 如果急需產品的話, 請先聯絡客服詢問。
Most of our products are in stock, but availability may depend on the stability of the supply from our suppliers. Some items may require ordering, which typically takes two to three weeks. If you require a product urgently, please contact customer service for inquiries.
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